Network Detection & Response

Vehere's AI-driven Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution empowers your security team to identify attacks at the earliest possible stage and stop them before they become breaches.

NDR transforms raw packets into information to draw meaningful insights, explore relationships, determine root-cause and accelerate detection and Incident Response for network of any industry, any size and every organization.

AI Network Security

100% contextual information with ML threat intelligence for efficient analysis

7 minutes for responding and correlating alerts in real-time, with frictionless integrations, enabling task completion

Network agnostic, flexible deployments

Vehere NDR delivers total visibility, context, detection and response in a single product.

360º Visibility and Meaningful Visualization to see everything that happens on your network in an instant, with all the metadata at your fingertips so you can know in real-time how users, devices, systems and applications are behaving on the network.

Detection and Powerful Analytics which automatically address the known, instantly detect the unknown and see the pattern of the unknown unknowns on your network, all while virtually eliminating false positives.

Encrypted Traffic Analytics which Attain application or transaction level insights, detect cyber risks in encrypted communications without the need for decryption tools. ​

Real-Time context & Insight for Alert uses PCAP as the ground truth from network traffic to understand and know in an instant about what’s really happening on your network.

Effective Response responds to and correlates alerts in real-time, with frictionless integrations to SIEM/SOC workflows and 3rd party threat intelligence tools. Alerts annotated with MITRE ATT&CK and MITRE SHIELD framework.

CTI Integration can consume millions of Indicators of compromise (IOC’s) and  Indicators of attack (IOA’s), making the cyber threat intelligence feed actionable.

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For an overview of Vehere's AI Network Security and other products, please contact your friendly Vehere sales representative or one of our partners.